Ethics in Business and Billionaires in Space

I shared a milestone for women in law and the importance of considering ethics in a capitalist society. I also shared some great resources for entrepreneurs to deal with ethical dilemmas such as a free independent helpline and Ethi-call’s website. Finally, we highlighted how billionaire investors are investing millions into space tourism which could lead to new ideas that will benefit future generations or make millionaires from their investments if it doesn’t work out.

Finally! A Majority of the Australian Legal Workforce is Comprised of Women

For the first time in history, a majority of the legal workforce is made up of women. This is a major milestone for Australian women, and it’s something that we should all be proud of. According to new data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, there are now more than 50% women in the legal profession. This is a huge accomplishment, and it’s something that we should all celebrate!

11 Reasons Why Quitting Your Day Job Right Away To Work On Your Startup Is A Bad Idea

I don’t recommend quitting your day job right away to work on your startup. It’s not that I’m against entrepreneurship, it’s just that people often think they have a great idea and then start working on it when in reality they don’t. Starting up isn’t as easy as you might think and having a steady…

Ways To Step Down From The Cold Mountain Effect And Stop Being Fixated On Being At The Top

The Cold Mountain Effect explains how one can know too much. They can be too talented. They’ll make any project a lengthy trek through the Himalayas. In spite of the long hours, they never get tired. They don’t want to see the end. They’re not even perfectionists. They just love their work too much. This…

Instagram Hiding Likes Down Under is a Step in the Right Direction for Mental Health

When Instagram announced that it would be hiding likes, many people were up in arms. They thought it was a step backwards, and that the app was becoming too censored. But what Instagram didn’t realize is that this change could actually be really good for our mental health. It’s no secret that social media can…